Unconditional love is in my life, no full time, but it is and with very big action of changes inside of me and with very big responsibility for it.  😀 It started with my new relationship 2 years ago. It testing me every day, every minute in my doings, in my thinking. And I see differences immediately. If I do easier decisions but from fears (jealous, dependence, expectation, my old patents…) it comming not nice experience, because my fears turn my steps. Decision in love needs very big action inside of me, in my inner warrior, to do it other way. But if I go to my fear, although body shakes, consequences are beautiful miracles of Love. Then I see, I feel, that this is good way for me. In the beginning it can be the fighting with my mind, feelings, emotions very much inside of me. Because my head wants many things and the best: immediately. But when I really release my wishes and don’t go to expectation, manipulation, then comes clean love, like gift from universum. So it is action of testing, it is very big game inside of me. And I see the answers of my doing outside in present.
We are still on way. On way of love or on way of fears. And it’s like dancing between them, for me. Love is for me my truth in the middle which is connected with freedom, with respect, no pressure, no manipulation, no kontrol and no expectations, this love gives back the greatest energy, feeling. I have experiences every day, sometimes very small, but still more, and more…  🙂 Thanks. It just my reality now.